Aqua Mizer® Certifications

The Aqua Mizer® Flush System will prevent water waste and help you get the exponential ROI you deserve.


At Aqua Mizer®, we take pride in our adherence to strict compliance protocols, which ensure that we offer the best flush solution and superior customer service. Our certifications are a testament to our commitment to sustainability, and we are happy to share them with you. We aim to establish transparency and trust in our brand and products. Hence, we present our list of certifications that provide visibility and credibility to our sustainability efforts.


  •  Aqua Mizer® GreenCircle Certified - Catastrophic Leak: Click Here to view the certification.
    • The Aqua Mizer, Inc. Solution reduces flood volume to one tank plus 0 to 1.99 gallons*
      * Compared to a typical flush valve system
  • Aqua Mizer® GreenCircle Certified - Regular Flush: Click Here to view the certification.
    • The Aqua Mizer, Inc. Solution reduces toilet flush volume up to 64%*
      * In conjunction with a 3” flapper valve and compared to a typical flush valve system.
  • Aqua Mizer® GreenCircle Certified - Slow Leak: Click Here to view the certification.
    • The Aqua Mizer, Inc. Solution stops the flow of water during a slow leak, reducing water consumption by 99% capped at no more than one tank for total water loss*
      * Assuming a leak rate of 2.08 gallons/minute and that the leak occurs one hour or longer. The product was compared to a typical flush valve system.
  • Aqua Mizer® UL Verified - Reduced Flush Volume up to 52%: Click Here to view the certification.
    • UL Certified Flush Reduction
  • Aqua Mizer® UL Verified - Limits Flooding to One Tank Volume plus 0 to 2.6 gallons: Click Here to view the certification.
    • UL Certified Flood Limiting
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See how much you can save with the Aqua Mizer® Flush System

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